Monday, June 27, 2011

Working on a dream

I have been working on an entry since the end of May; It is not yet complete. I hope this gives you some sort of idea as to how Morgan's newfound mobility and sense of adventure has impacted our lives.

I'll start by posting the entry I've had saved in word and updated time and time again, then I'll post new bits:

The month of May has been one of growth and advancement for Morgan. Whether it is adding teeth to her ‘collection’ or exploring new elements of mobility, she is making progress daily. I am amazed at how quickly she is transforming from a helpless baby into an adventurous little person (As I type, she has stood up using my printer stand and is exploring the feel of all the buttons and levers within her reach). Whether mobility or language, she is keeping us in awe, not to mention on our toes.

In April, Morgan began to transition from scooting to crawling. In late April, she began pulling herself to standing with the use of our bodies and things like the couch. As we made our way through May, she steadily became more familiar with this thing we call standing and worked to venture into new experiences. Whether it is crawling into the kitchen and using the refrigerator to pull herself up or trying her hardest to go from a crouched kneel to a stand, it is remarkable to watch. Within the last two weeks she has come to the realization that she can stand by herself (although this lasts usually only 5 or so seconds). The expression on her face as she wobbles is one I want to remember for a long time. We try to encourage her by cheering her when she stands on her own; she will now throw her hands in the air and smile big when she stands up.

((Interruption of writing as Morgan ventured to the living room in pursuit of the cat)) I ventured into the living room close behind, in pursuit of Morgan. When I arrived, I found her in her bathtub (which was sitting in the living room, empty) I laughed so hard it scared her and she started to cry, thinking she was in trouble. These are the shenanigans that make up our days as of late.

If you were to visit the Jenkins household, the most commonly overheard phrases would be:
“Morgan, what is in your mouth?!?”
“Morgan and/or Kibbles… no!”
“What are you doing??”
“Touchdown, Yay!”
“Can you say *insert doggie/kitty/ba-ba/da-da/manyotherwords*?
“Pet kitty soft!”
“Oh, kisses, thank you!”
“Honey? She changed the channel again…”
“Leave kitty alone, she’s going to bite you!”
“Hurry, get the camera!”

It never ceases to amaze me the difference a day can make in the development of a child. Yesterday Morgan made half-hearted attempts to ‘roll it’ and ‘pat it’ as we worked on patty cake. I picked her up from GG’s this evening (I had a softball game and Tyler was working) and she was… clapping! They had been working on patty cake and ‘toss it in the pan’ and that transitioned her into the clap she has been attempting for a few weeks now.

Honestly, we have nothing to compare her to, but I feel as if we are dealing with a twelve month old, not an eight and a half month old! Morg has been getting a little too big for her britches lately, and her bravery leaves me reeling in anxiety. At this point, she hasn’t made the move to walk, but will stand freely for 10-15 seconds (up from her 5 second stretches a few weeks ago). This occurs EVERYWHERE. I mean, standing with the open fridge door, against my legs, at the TV stand… whew.

New stuff:

A week ago we celebrated Morgan's NINE MONTH birthday! Fittingly, our little booger has nine teeth, so we treated her with a slice of cheese pizza at the fabulous Pizza Time- she enjoyed it! The last few weeks have been filled with many 'did our child just do that?!?' moments. Honestly, we have no scope of comparison for Morgan, but she seems to be doing things very ahead of 'schedule' if such a schedule exists. Her most recent favorite? She can now climb up onto the futon and she will do so, crawl around on it for a while, and proceed to catch our attention, smile big, and DIVE off onto the pillows below. Really?!? It's not a big fall to the floor, but the first time she did it (an accident, really) scared me to death. I assume she is a thrill seeker, because she climbed back up and before long did it again. All I can help to think of is the Brad Paisley song where he sings "I'll get my payback if [s]he's anything like me." OH.DEAR. Considering the interesting shenanigans the two of us pulled off as children (and, dear god, teenagers *shudders*) we have quite the adventure ahead of us.

Morg wrapped up 'swim lessons' a couple weeks ago. It wasn't as much of lessons as it was familiarizing her with the water. As expected (the child cheers when the faucet comes on), she loved the water. There were a couple of days where she had to end her nap early and was a tad fussy, but for the most part, she loves the water. We worked on floats- tummy and back. She is a fan of tummy floats and likes being able to have her hands free to grab toys and splash. Back floats? Not so much. She tolerates it when I am pulling her backwards across the water by her hands, but gets very fussy when simply leaning or laying back, even against my legs.

We've been spending our free time, too, going on the occasional walk (when it isn't too hot). Morgan has taken a liking to 'awwwgies' (read: doggies) and so we'll go out looking for 'stop to pets' (read: cats!) and dogs to see (from a distance). One of my principals lives down the street and has four or five outdoor cats. We usually head that way first or last because we know they'll come up and be friendly. A few weeks ago we stopped and three cats came running, one even jumped up on the side of the stroller and crawled across her- ha! Morgan was not phased, but interested. We also met some baby dachaunds down the street too! Morgan was interested but a little unsure when they started licking her toes! HA!!! We have also stumbled upon music while out and about. Last week we decided to walk downtown (her eyes light up and she babbles when she sees another walker approaching). We made our way toward city park and discovered it was time for city band! She listened to a couple of songs before needing something more to keep her attention.

We've spent a lot of time at her GG's (my Thompson grandparents), lately. Morgan has started to say 'papa' her name for my (her great) grandpa. Grandma is 'gg'. She loves them both very much and enjoys exploring the farm. Although she is sometimes unsure of grandpa's coon hounds, she loves Peanut (also grandpa's name for her), the kitty, and gets super excited when they visit the chicken (chic-chic) coop. Last week, gg watched Morg while I ventured to Lawrence for a softball game. Morgan had her first 'wagon' experience- she loved it, until gg went into the coop to get the eggs and Morgan couldn't see her anymore. That ended short the 'wagon adventures'. She has, however, mastered the two-stairs that go from the dining room to the family room at GGs' house... she is good with going up, but we still stand with her when going down, as she sometimes decides to simply stand up very close to the edge and totter...

We have started attending a Wednesday playgroup with a couple of kiddos, one a little girl about a month younger than Morgan and the other a little boy who is about twice Morg's age. I'm glad that she is getting some interaction with other kids, it is very interesting to watch them interact. Mostly it is just 'poking' at eachother as we moms caution them to 'be careful', but i is still neat to watch. So far we've had a park date where we made sensory bottles and played on playground equipment and swings and a trip to the Prairie Nature Park in Lawrence, where the McCaw scared the crap out of Morgan with its squeel. Post-squeel, though, the kids played in the toddler room and explored. The girls seemed to love looking out the window at the praire, not to mention banging on the big glass windows. The little boy loved climbing on the 'stage' area and playing with blocks. We ended by making another fun activity- shaving cream bags where the kids could 'squish' and watch the cream absorb food coloring and transform to new colors. I think fun was had for all. It is supposed to be toasty this week and so we'll take it indoors for a trip to the Spencer Museum and some baby painting!

Here are some other things of interest:

New foods:

- Bananas- You love it when we peel a 'naner' and let you take bites. You can eat around 1/4 to 1/2 of a banana in one sitting! We have to watch, though, because you like to take BIG bites...

- Hamburger- Last week you sucked/munched on a BBQ hamburger in your little munchkin mesh feeding thing (what are they called?). You loved slurping up the juices. Last night at GG's, you ate some crumbled hamburger from the taco salad and enjoyed it.

- Kidney Beans- GG experimented with the different taco salad ingredients and found that you really like beans!

- Olives- No, not so much. GG gave you a small piece of a black olive and thought you ate it, she found later that you had spit it out and left it on the floor in the kitchen. LOL.

- Ice Cream/Bomb Pops- OH.MY. You had your first experience with the ice cream man (read: scary, scantily clothed woman with bad teeth) and were in heaven! You shared a bomb pop with mommy and LOVED the red (cherry) section and liked the blue (blue rasberry) part. You also licked on daddy's friend, Tina's, Orange Dreamsicle, and daddy's ice-cream cookie.

New sounds/'words':
-Papa -Ba-ba (Bottle) -Blowing Rasberries -Ball -Bye -Hi

New experiences/favorites:

-Windchimes: You can't get enough! Whether it is on an aisle at Wal-Greens, at GG's or Nana's, you MUST ring every chime within reach. Daddy and I have an inkling that you'll be a percussionist, as much as you like strumming on his guitars and playing with the chimes. You also enjoyed banging on the Piano at Nana's (although it is horribly out of tune).

My Stick Family from

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Morgan focuses on typing skills

A message from Morgan:


v b v ___________________________________________________________

Saturday, April 16, 2011

These are the days

Morgan will be seven months old on Wednesday. I must say that she is at an incredibly interesting and entertaining point in her life/development. She is very interactive and verbal, having new 'firsts' all of the time.

About a week ago she started trying crawling off and on, however, I think she realizes that her 'scoot' action is just as efficient. Sometimes she'll crawl for a bit and then give up and scoot the rest of the way to her destination. This week, she started getting up on her knees and attempting to pull herself up using one of us or the couch/futon/anything else she can reach. This has lead to a few face-plants, a bruise on her temple, and frustration. Today, in the midst of pulling herself up on her crib, her leg (thigh) became stuck between the crib railing. Luckily, as I panicked, Tyler came in and was able to 'free' her. After that we opted for a trip to GG Thompsons' house.

While Morgan will play the 'repeat game' when it comes to talking (she has repeated variations of 'get it', 'hello', 'hey', 'grandma', 'love you'), she has three words committed to her vocabulary: Ma-Ma, Da-Da, and Kitty. She will also mutter in a sing-song voice, 'here kitty, kitty, kitty' after I do (sounds more like eee kiy kiy kiy).

As for foods, she eats Gerber's 'sitter' foods regularly, sometimes mixed with rice cereal. Her favorites appear to be Sweet potatoes and Peaches. When at gg Thompsons', she gets a treat of yogurt (and pickles, today), and I sometimes let her have sips from my cup of tea (not enough to even count as a 'drink').

One of my favorite signs of growth is her 'giving kisses'. When we pucker up and smack our lips, she'll hold her mouth open a bit and lean in to give kisses. This evening, I had her on my lap, standing on my legs. She was fairly calm and looked into my eyes, opened her mouth, and leaned forward and kissed me. My heart melted. <3

Last weekend we had a BBQ here at our place and went outside to take some easter pictures for Morgan. It didn't go as planned (ha, plans), but we did end up with some adorable pics.

Tyler and Morg ventured to Wichita this past week and much fun was had by Tyler, Morgan, Nana Cherie, and family friend Tina.

We're counting down the weeks (5) to summer and more family time!


My Stick Family from

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Once upon a Morgan

Our sweet little girl has disappeared in the aftermath of her six-month shots. Today, she had her appointment up in the city. I am out of sick days/leave, so Daddy did this round solo. Overall, he said she did pretty well and didn't cry for too long after the four shots.

In the way of statistics, she is now weighing in at 16lbs, 15.4oz and is 26.5 inches long. As for her progress and health, she gets two thumbs up. We have the go-ahead to start introducing her to new foods and to even use a food processor if we so desire. We've been transitioning into things like oatmeal and mixed baby foods anyway. She loves her some 'people food'.

Morg is up on her knees with her arms extended quite frequently now, she likes to rock back and forth. She'll scoot across a room, too, when she sees something she would like. It is sure fun to watch! Tyler and I take turns tapping our foot on the floor to see who she'll scoot to. She still is very interested in Kibbles and poor Kib takes it all in stride and is SO good with her. I'll have to post a video of the two once it is uploaded to YouTube.

One of my current favorites is rocking her to sleep at night. We have a routine where we'll have a bottle, go in and turn Frankie the Frog on, and then she'll wrap her arms around my neck and we'll rock back and forth for a bit. My absolute favorite is when she rests her head on my shoulder and falls asleep. Well, that and when we go into the room and I turn off the light and she automatically looks up at the ceiling for the stars that Frankie projects! <3

We start our softball games next week, so that will be an entirely different experience for her! When it is too chilly out, she'll stay at gma Leslie's house. However, I can't wait for her to experience the joys of the outdoors and softball! I just wish Mother Nature would cooperate.


My Stick Family from

Friday, February 25, 2011

Moo-ving onward

Morgan turned five months old on Sunday. At this point she is enjoying a variety of Gerber's 'supported sitter' foods and is rolling around the house when we put her down on the floor. Time is moving quickly and it is so fun having her at this interactive stage!
Last Friday we did not have school. I ended up turning our living room into 'blanket central' and just letting her roll all over the place. We fell asleep together on the blankets after a while. One thing we have noticed (we actually noticed it in early January) is that Morgan has something against cows. Tyler has a little toy noise-maker that you turn upside down and it makes a moo sound. Well, Morgan HATES that and will go from smiling to crying in no time flat. Lately, we've found that even making a 'moo' noise makes her cry. We've hypothesised why- anything from being a cow in a past life and meeting an untimely end to having dreams about stampeads. Who knows. I'm glad we don't live in the country.
Today was Morgan's first experience with Bananas- she loved them! Her favorites right now include: Peaches, Sweet Potatoes, and Bananas. Dislikes: Anything cow related, Green Beans, Lack of direct attention.

My Stick Family from

Friday, February 11, 2011

No More Prunes... EVER.

We embarked upon a new stage this week: baby foods. I must say that it has been exciting and has opened our eyes to a whole new world of diaper changes. We've had parent teacher conferences this week, and I've been getting home rather late in the evenings (when we don't have snow days, that is). Tyler decided that yesterday would be a good time to introduce Morgan to prunes. Yes, prunes. Needless to say, he left this morning and revenge of the prunes: 1 began. OH.MY.

Prune poo aside, Morgan is doing well. At our last appointment she was 14lb 10oz. Our play-yard holds her in the upper area to 15 pounds, so I made the decision today to lower the play-yard to its typical setting. She is in the yard, beside me, just checking out the new digs. I think she likes it, from the sound of the coos she is giving me.

Although she is far from the 'mobility stage' (we hope), she is a smart little booger. She gets up on her knees and will rock but has learned how to scoot across the floor and to roll when she can't quite scoot.
We have a 3' by 3' area of blankets we usually lay her on to play and roll around. She'll stay on the blanket area for five minutes or so and then she's off. If I am sitting to the side of the blanket area at my computer, she'll roll over to me until she is under my feet and looking up at me. It's pretty funny. I've also watched her roll to the cat, who quickly exits the situation. Last night, she rolled over to my bag of school goodies and was trying to pull herself off the ground to a sitting position- she would get up to about a 30 degree angle and then lay back down. I took a video of this but haven't managed to upload it yet.

We've been treated to so many snow days this season that we've taken to calling them 'Morgan days'. I mean, in all actuality, that's what they are. We've enjoyed being able to be home together to int
roduce her to baby foods such as applesauce, carrots, and sweet potatoes. In one sitting the little booger will eat about 3/4 of a little container of baby food. She loves sitting in her new highchair and will open her mouth wide and lunge for the spoon when you have it in your hand. A couple of times she has grabbed for the spoon but usually drops it pretty quickly.

We went on a Morgan-themed shopping trip a couple of weeks ago and ended up coming home with some new, medium-flow bottles, fore mentioned highchair, a new car seat for Tyler's car that holds her up to 100 pounds, some outfits, and a few other misc. items. I think, though, that another shopping trip is in order, as she has outgrown her 3-6 month footy sleepers because she is so darn long! We're planning on a four-generation (gg thompson, gma thompson, mommy, morgan) shopping trip to Legends this weekend so that we can pick up some good buys at the Carters & Osh Kosh outlets (I've got coupons!).

Plans are in the making for Morgan to travel on her first plane ride at the end of May. It will be in the same company as our shopping trip- with GREAT-GREAT grandma! It will be such an awesome thing to capture a five generation visit (again, she visited her other gg grandma when she was a couple of months old). We have pictures of me with my gg, great, grandma, and mother when I was a little bigger than she will be. Sadly, I don't think Tyler will be able to go on this trip. However, we'll be driving to Phoenix with Nana Cherie in June or July so that Morgy can meet her gpa gregg, so we will get a full family trip in as well. It looks to be a busy summer, as I have trips planned to both Atlanta and San Diego for work and a nephew due in mid-June!

I've been working on plans for the March 20th shower, and almost have the invites designed and ready to go. It's so much fun to plan events- I would honestly love to do something similar as a career. Speaking of career, Tyler recently recieved a promotion to 'team facilitator' at his job and is excited about the new changes that brings to his position.

Well, time to take advantage of this Morgan-day and shower while she naps. Tonight, she'll get to spend some time with gma leslie while I go and scrapbook for the first time since her birth (YIKES... time to catch up!)...


My Stick Family from

Friday, January 28, 2011

Four More Months! Four More Months!

This is how we spend our snow days in the Jenkins household. Is it possible that Morgan is a little over four months old? Why, yes, it is! We celebrated her four month birthday with some singing of Happy Birthday and some shared giggles.
As for milestones, she's keeping us on our toes:
In mid-December her first teeth began coming in. Now, her two bottom teeth are through and she has another starting on the bottom, right side. Although she was born with a full head of thick, dark hair, it started falling out and is in the process of coming back in lighter- more of a chestnut color (beautiful!). As for her eyes, they are still a beautiful blue- a hue darker than her daddy's and just a shade lighter than my own.
Morgan has been rolling over (and over, and over) for about three weeks now. She spends more time on her tummy now, as she is happier when she can flip over on her own and decide to go back to her back whenever she pleases (and can manage to get her arm out from under her). Now, she's proceeding to the next step- using her knees to push up. However, this is a rare sight at this point- but we've noticed it a couple of times. My main worry at this point is her rolling over and sleeping on her tummy. I know it is going to happen, but it just worries me, as it supposedly increases the risk of SIDS.
We recently completed are taxes and are getting back a chunk of our hard-earned money. So, this weekend we will purchase Morgan a few of the items we held off on (a walker/bouncer, a high-chair). Morgan has tried applesauce, carrots, and fried egg yolk at this point- I think in the next couple of months we'll venture closer to 'high-chair status'.
Tyler is doing a remarkable job as a stay-at home daddy by weekday and full-time worker by weekend. I don't know how I ended up with such an awesome guy, loving husband, and fantastic daddy- I surely don't deserve it. I hear people say all the time that they have 'the best' husband/wife, but I get to live that situation daily- for that I am indebted to fate. As for Tyler and I, we celebrated 8 years as a couple (seven years of marriage come this may) this January. Is that even possible?!? It seems like only yesterday we were sitting at Barnes & Noble on our first date, writing letters throughout his basic training, and walking in the rain down the streets of Baltimore... oh, life's surprises.
Kibbles is adjusting to Morgan and the fact that she is not always front and center these days. Although she's been scolded for acting out and climbing on the counters, she is still a loving kitty. Morgan has started to take note of her presence and has even reached out and pet her with an open hand as of late. Kibbles is taking it all in stride and I have to applaud her for that.
We had a photographer here at our house today to take photos (we had a free sitting/8 by 10)... I'll plan on posting those in a couple of weeks.
Until then,
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Natasha (and the rest of the Jenkins clan)

My Stick Family from