Saturday, March 27, 2010

Straight To The Heart

Yesterday’s appointment marked a milestone, as we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time with the Doppler. Once the cold gel was on, Dr. M ran the Doppler along my abdomen until we heard something. At first, Tyler and I thought we heard something but Dr. M assured us, “That’s just you.” After a short moment later, a quick and melodic sound filled our ears, and Dr. M confirmed, “and… that’s NOT you.” My eyes started to tear up and Tyler had a one-of-a-kind smile. It was something to remember. Dr. M said the baby’s heartbeat sounded good and was around 150bpm.

Dr. M confirmed that we will find out the baby’s sex AND observe the brain and heart’s development at our next appointment, April 23rd. So, mark your calendars, folks! Also- Tyler is taking bets on whether we’ll be XX or XY- make sure you get in on that.

In reference to the baby’s sex, we did make the decision on both our boy and girl names. If, indeed, baby is a girl she will be Morgan Kaye. A little boy Jenkins will be Cade Matthew. We decided on both and interestingly each has a Welsh origin, so they compliment the Jenkins heritage nicely.

Cade Matthew
I actually picked this one. We were on our way to Wichita for spring break and had been ‘stuck’ as for boy’s names. Then, I had an epiphany. Tyler has talked about family heritage and genealogy in the past when organizing old photos, etc. So, I was aware that his great-grandma on his mother’s side’s maiden name was Cade. So, there you go! I told him my thoughts and he, too, liked the name. Matthew is a tribute to his brother, Matt.

Morgan Kaye
I was stuck between the names Morgan and Mollie. Mollie was a bit too mainstream for me and Tyler agreed that he liked Morgan better. A neat little connection with that: Most of you know that Tyler is a numismatist (coin collector). His collection is mostly domestic and one of the main coins he has collected over the years is the Morgan Dollar. I picked the middle name of Kaye, as I like the sound of it and had a dream before we even met that I would have a daughter with that middle name, spelled that way.

So, now you know the rest of the story in terms of our choices on baby’s name.

We’ve been adding to our collection of baby goodies throughout the past couple of month’s. The baby’s library is ever-growing thanks to the help of ‘uncle’ Derik and some purchased here and there by Tyler and I. Also, this trip to the doctor ended with what is now a tradition- a trip to The Toy Store on Massachusetts street. We picked up two stuffed animals for baby, a Beagle and a chick that chirps.

The Beagle references our stop at the animal shelter prior to making our way to The Toy Store. There, we met and played with an adorable Beagle named Pumpkin. The chick was too cute to pass up and will serve as our Easter animal for Baby J.

As we near 16 weeks, my body is starting to look and feel pregnant. Trips to the bathroom are becoming more frequent and demanding and I can feel my muscles stretching to make room for baby (who is now approximately 4-5 inches and 4 oz.). We picked up a neat magazine at the doctor’s office that provides ultrasound images of babies at different stages and Tyler and I were both amazed at the growth and development that occurs in such a short period of time.

Now, the countdown(and anticipation) is on for April 23rd !

My Stick Family from

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We're Pregnant!

As our family and close friends know, Tyler and I are expecting our first child this fall! With this week comes the start of the second trimester of our pregnancy. At this point, things are good with the baby and we hope to find out if 'Baby J' will be a boy or girl around Easter.

We've talked names a bit (but nothing serious), deciding that we'd keep the following open for further discussion:

Girls Boys
Mollie Kaye Gabriel Matthew
Morgan Kaye Collin Matthew

I'm sure there will be MANY more discussions on the topic, perhaps more seriously once we know the sex of the baby. Being in education, we've found that several names just 'don't work' for us due to experiences with students... ha!

Things are busy around the house, with Spring Break this week. Our plans include rearranging the house a bit so that we can get an idea of how things will look once we have the baby's room cleared out. As some of you know, the room currently houses Tyler's 'man den'.

We've decided that the nursery will have a moon & star theme with a green and yellow color scheme. We've already started collecting goodies that Tyler and I (and uncle Matt) have purchased for the room.

Tyler and I started a little tradition with our first ultrasound of purchasing a stuffed animal for 'Baby J' after each doctor's appointment. The first was a little stuffed Buffalo, since we first saw the baby on Kansas Day. The end of February brought an unexpected 'baby watching' experience and so I picked up a little lamb (as March was coming in like a lamb) for the baby's room. We'll have to wait and see what this month's appointment (3/26) will bring!

My Stick Family from