As we observed the baby's development we checked on baby's heart, brain, kidneys, stomach, and bone development. Everything is progressing nicely and it was so neat to see each and every 'piece' that makes baby 'whole'. We saw baby's hip bones and at that point it became obvious that Baby J is indeed a girl, Morgan Kaye!
I think the highlight of the session was when the technician said, "Look, she's taking a drink," and we watched as baby sucked in some fluid! Then, she moved for us and did a little flip. The pictures came out nicely and we now have a lovely face profile and a slightly scary image of the skeletal development of her face (like a Halloween shot).
I lost another couple of pounds as of this appointment (20 weeks and some change) which brings the grand-total of weight gained so far to three pounds. Dr. M assured us that baby has plenty of room to grow, though, and that everything is going swimmingly (ha, pun intended).
Our next appointment is June 4th and we are scheduled to take our breastfeeding course in July and our birthing course in August. It looks like baby Morgan will be having a shower in Wichita in June (Date TBD), one in Lawrence on July 24th (invites to follow), and one in Ottawa in early August (Date TBD). We've started registering at BabiesRUs and have lots of goodies we've picked up at garage sales, too!
We've started the first stages of baby's room and have the closet system partially installed (need to make another trip to Home Depot...) and the crib purchased. I think we'll get around to putting that together sometime in June. We also ordered a rug from Nebraska Furniture Mart for Morgan's room, as it has hard-wood floors and we wanted something with a bit more cushion. I'll post pics over the summer when things start coming together.
Over the last couple of weeks, I've begun to feel Morgan move much more frequently. What I've read says that she's now developing a sleep pattern and it seems to me that she is very active when I first arrive at work (8 am-ish) and in the early afternoon when work is almost done (3 to 4p-ish). I think she is protesting/celebrating (respectively) the alteration of my stress levels at those times (HA!)
My Stick Family from