Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It took three weeks and eight days, but our little Morgan rolled over onto her tummy (from her back) yesterday. We were lucky enough to catch her in action and get the video camera before she rolled back. It was funny, Tyler and I had her on the floor between us and had both turned to check our e-mail; when he turned around, he said, "tash, look," I turned and looked and sure enough she was on her tummy, propped up by her darn left arm (stuck under her). We grabbed the camera and watched as she struggled to turn over, getting pretty darn frustrated in the process. However, the smile and her reaction afterwards was priceless. It took a lot for me to stand back and not help her when she got frustrated but I am SO glad that I did.

anything, I think this foreshadows the type of parent I want to be and the effort it is going to take to restrain myself in any situation where I could make things 'easier'. I want Morgan to be independent and to experience such joys without my assistance, but I'm sure there will be times (again) where I want to intervene but I think this experience will help me to remember to take a step back and just watch her succeed (or fail and learn from it).

My Stick Family from

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Once upon a Morgan

It is a little hard to believe that Morgan will be three months old tomorrow. When I look back on the photos of her first month of life and stare into her eyes today it seems like we have an entirely different baby in our house! The growth, development, and personality that we've witnessed over the last three months leaves us in awe.

Her last appointment with the pediatrician was on 11/24 and at that point she weighed in at 12lbs, 3 oz. and was 22 3/4 inches long with a head circumfrance of 40.4cm. Our growing girl!

We aren't quite at the point of 'rolling over' yet, although she can roll onto her side and back onto her back. In the past couple of weeks her grasp has developed and she loves to hold to her little maraca rattle that daddy got her and has grabbed onto my earrings and gave them a tug more than once.

As for words, she LOVES to babble! Whether it is in her carseat babbling to whoever is sitting next to her or laying/sitting around the house, she has stories to tell! In general she is such an easy, happy baby. We couldn't be luckier in terms of her personality and enjoyment of life.

One of my most recent 'favorites' was waking her from her crib one Saturday and placing her on her changing table as she woke up to focus on my face and give me a great big smile. That sure starts your day on the bright side!

If you've seen Morgan's share site (photo/video site) than you are aware that she loves to giggle, smile, and eyeball her daddy! Seriously, seeing Tyler's face or hearing his voice makes her eyes light up and her lips creep into a smile- we have a daddy's girl on our hands! I can only imagine the bonding experiences to come between father and daughter.

As for mommy and daughter, our favorite pastime is singing. Lately it has been Christmas music, but Morgan will smile and coo and gurgle to almost any song as we sing along. It seems like almost daily we sing-song together for at least a short period of time.

Winter break is here, so there will be more mommy-daughter and family time to go around! We have quite the agenda on our hands, as Morgan will get to see and or meet many family members that she has not yet, including her new baby cousin, Jonathan. It will surely be a holiday season to remember and we'll be sure to capture it in photographs for all to see.

My Stick Family from

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two Months & Growing Strong

Morgan turned two months old last Saturday and she's just a trip! We are soaking up as much 'Morgan time' as possible and really enjoying her little quirks and developments. Over the last two months we have settled into a routine and learned how to enjoy her while making sure she is happy and content.
If anyone even reads this thing anymore, you can enjoy some of her development through the videos and images we post at her website. Tyler spends at least one hour a day with her, getting her to babble and talking back and forth with her- there are some great videos of her 'talking' and one where her babbles even sound like she is saying 'hello'!
The holidays are upon us and we are staying at home this Thanksgiving, starting new traditions with our little family of three. Tyler's brother, Matt, and his wife, Crispian, are going to join us at our Thanksgiving table- we have lots to be thankful for this year. Christmas is still a little sketchy at this point, but we will travel to Topeka and Wichita at some point to share Morgan with our family- the best gift of all!
In an effort to fill you in on some recent happenings, here's a few things that have recently made the 'headlines' of our lives:
  • Morgan had her two month appointment today and is making good progress. At this point she is up from her birth weight of 9lb 9oz to a total of 12lb 3 oz and has grown from 19in to 22 3/4 inches. Her growth and development is going very smoothly. One milestone was accomplished early on- she's been sleeping through the night (for the most part) since November 1st- the night before I went back to work. I think she sensed my stress and worry about going back to work and leaving her at home.
  • In exciting news, Morgan will have a cousin in a matter of months! My sister recently found out she is expecting and so there will be another little one in the family around Morgan's age that we can enjoy and Morgan can bond with. I am hopeful that this will also bring my sister and I closer together.
  • This afternoon Morgan met Santa for the first time! The experience went fairly well, with the exception of her being a bit hungry. The first picture came out nicely but the second captured her mid-cry. We ended up purchasing a couple of 5x7's of the non-cry shot. I'm sure next year's picture with Santa will find her much more animated.

My Stick Family from

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Swing of Things

It is hard to believe that in a few days I will head back to work and daddy will be home all day with our baby girl. I enjoy my job, although I complain about all of the hard work that goes into it. However, I think this might actually be one of the first times where I DISLIKE going in to work on a daily basis, just because I'll miss out on Morgan time.
Anyone close to our family knows the struggles I've had with balancing 'Mrs. Jenkins' and Natasha time; however, now I have more of a reason to work my hardest to ensure that 'mommy' comes first. I'm sure that finding the balance of good teacher, good wife, and good mommy will be a struggle- but I must continually remind myself how important my family is and keep myself in check so that they come first. I'm sure a panic attack will ensue this weekend, but hopefully I'll manage that well and transition back into working with as much ease as possible.
In Morgan news, I created a multi-media hub so that family in Topeka, Wichita, Arizona, etc. can keep up on her progress and growth since they don't see her as often as others. You can access the site by visiting This is our primary hosting site for our family's photos, so it will be updated regularly!
On Monday we had our one month visit to the pediatrician and Morgan is growing nicely! We were given the okay to stop waking her up to feed (we were since she had lost so much weight initially) because she is now up to 10lb. 15.9oz! That places her in the 83rd percentile for weight and she is also in the 83rd for her head circumference. She's a shorty right now, in the 51st percentile at 21inches long. They were super pleased with her development, as she is ahead of her time in terms of rolling over (she can from her back to side), grasping objects (not intentionally yet, but very strong), and holding her head up. Her latest accomplishment is following her toys, particularly one rattle, with her eyes and head; it's cute to watch:
I can not get over how thankful I am for our family and friends. If not for the kindness of our co-workers, I don't know how I would have made it through the first few weeks- they fed us nightly! Having Tyler's mom and my mom here (and my grandma) was also a gift, it made the difficult transition into parenthood that much easier. Also, being able to go to Grandmas or mom's on the weekends helps since Tyler is super sleepy after his 13 hour shifts. I am just SO thankful for that and everyone's generous gifts to Morgan- her little 'nest egg' account is growing nicely and not having to pay for diapers, wipes, and formula to the extremes has been nice due to everyone's gift cards. WE LOVE YOU AND ARE SO THANKFUL for your friendship & love!
Tyler and I are to the point now where we are enjoying Morgan more than worrying about sleep, what she wants, etc... We are figuring things out and moving into the stage of 'ah ha'. Morgan slept pretty much non-stop from 5:30a until 11:30a this morning- a major milestone! That meant that Daddy slept for a few hours since he goes in for a bit tonight and Mommy even caught a nap while snuggling baby girl. Right now, she is out in her bouncer after a little bit of fussiness and I am making cupcakes to decorate for Halloween!
This weekend, my last of maternity leave, we plan on making a trip to her great-great grandma's house so that we can take a 5 generation picture! Maybe, if it is nice we can FINALLY squeeze in the pumpkin patch, too! Before the weekend, though, Morgan has two more fun-filled days! On Thursday I have my appointment to clear me to go back to work and then Tyler and I are going to head to Lawrence for a 'date night' while Grandma Leslie watches Morgan. On Friday I'll take a little 'mommy time' as well as work on some lesson plans while Morgan and Daddy head to Olathe to hang out with Uncle Matt. So, busy, busy times in the Jenkins household!

My Stick Family from

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Step by Step

Can you believe that tomorrow will be four weeks from the day Morgan was born?!? Our days (and nights...) have been filled with her activities, eccentricities, and memories.

At this point we are letting her sleep a bit longer than the 2-3 hours that was first recommended to bolster her weight back up to her birth weight. Grandma and Great-Grandma weighed her on Grandma's scale yesterday and estimate that she is around 1o pounds and some change. We officially go to the Ped. again on the 25th, so we'll see! If we let her, she'll sleep around 5 hours at a time, wake up to feed, and then slip back into sleep after wiggling a bit and making her 'baby pig' (read: grunts and snorts) noises.

Really, she is a wonderful baby- but mommy is SO used to getting her Z's that it's been a rough adjustment. Daddy, too, is dragging, but handles our needs so well and doesn't complain (I can't say as much for myself).

On Friday, Morgan's great-grandma Ronnie came to town and we went on a walk. We were going to just make it short, but I asked if we could walk the 6 or so blocks to the district office to drop off some paperwork, so we did. Then, we walked main street... then we stopped in some stores. We ended up being gone for TWO HOURS! Morgan was SO good- she was bright eyed for quite a while and then slipped into sleep only to wake up and fuss once for a minute before falling asleep again. I really have no scope for comparison, so I couldn't imagine what such a long walk would do to my body. I was SO SORE that afternoon and the next morning that I could barely get from sitting to standing. Note to self: don't overdo it.

We gave Morgan her first bath the other night, which she loved. Her most recent development is that she giggles and smiles in her sleep; it is precious. I especially love it when I'm holding her over my shoulder, facing me, and she does it. Earlier tonight I kissed her cheek and she proceeded to smile and giggle- it made me want to just squeeze and hold her tighter!

I think we are going to try to make a trip to the pumpkin patch this week, so we can take some pictures and pick up a few more pumpkins. We're also going to make a trip to Topeka so that Morgan can meet her great-grandparents and other family members from my dad's side of the family. I hope the trip goes smooth, as it will be our longest trip to date.

My Stick Family from

Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Weeks!

It's hard to believe that Morgan Kaye is three weeks old today! It has been a blast seeing her grown and change every day- I'm dreading going back to work and already having minor panic attacks- boo! Enough about that, though!
Here are some recent observations/milestones:
We went on our first walk this past week- the three of us. We didn't go far since it was my first time out of the house and I wasn't sure how far I'd be able to comfortably walk. Morgan enjoyed the walk and was drifting off to sleep by the time we did a final lap of our mini-block. I went on a solo-walk with her on Sunday, and she drifted off to sleep by the time we got home. That one was a longer walk, as I'm building up stamina. HA!
Last weekend marked her first 'real' smile (for daddy). At this point, after a really solid feeding she will drift in and out of sleep and manages quite a few smiles as her eyes flicker and roll back in her head. She doesn't always want her soothie, but when she is serene like this, if you rub it softly across her lips she will smile and it is adorable.
She is learning how to laugh- it is funny! The first time I heard her, I was startled because it was a brand new noise and I was not used to it. However, Tyler said that she had been doing it earlier too, and we realized it was her little laugh. She's only done it a couple of times, but it is cute.
She's becoming more vocal- in a grunt-like way. I seriously think she sounds like a little baby pig! She is a VERY gassy baby and is frequently grunting and making other little pig-like noises. My favorite noise, though, is still the big sigh she lets out when/after sneezing. It's like she'll get two good sneezes and then (well, almost always) lets out this deep, exasperated, "ooooohhhhhhh!". Tyler and I listen for it every time and it always makes us giggle. I was actually in the family room while she napped in the living room today and all of a sudden she made the sound without even sneezing- it sent me into a fit of laughter.
We're slowly getting this whole 'outside of the house' thing down. At first I was petrified of leaving the house with her and had somewhat resigned myself to the fact that we would be homebodies. However, I've got her car seat down and we've made several trips out and about this past week. Now, don't get me wrong- it takes about 15 minutes to pack the car and get prepared, but we manage! I feel comfortable now taking her out and about by myself- we went to Great-Grandma Thompson's last week as well as to the high school for a visit. Tonight, too, we went to Grandma's for dinner. She tends to sleep once we are there, but was awake enough to say hello to her great grandparents!
I just completed my first solo weekend with the kiddo, as Tyler was working and my mom was out of town. I was/am sleep deprived, but we made it through with flying colors. It's amazing- I never would have imagined myself as a mother- let alone a pretty good one- and everything is slipping into place. I feel comfortable in the role, despite my pre-pregnancy awkwardness towards small children/infants. It honestly is something that comes naturally.
Well, a poopy diaper beckons.

My Stick Family from

Monday, October 4, 2010

Two Weeks

The last two weeks have been Morgan-filled and have just flown right by (well, in a sleep deprived blur). I can not say enough how helpful and humbling it has been to have the help of family and friends during this time. I've told Tyler several times that I simply can't imagine how a single mother or father even deals with the first few weeks of a newborn's life if they don't have support.
We've had so much support that last night was the first evening when I was actually home alone with Morgan. We survived- although I'm SUPER sleepy and not quite sure what I'm doing writing this instead of sleeping as she is in her bassinet dozing. We struggled with maintaining her weight the first week and had two pediatrician appointments for weight checks- as she went from 9lb9.1oz at birth to 8lb12oz. within a week (they don't like it if they lose 10% of their birth weight and she got close). However, as of last Thursday she was climbing the scale again and I think we've found a happy median with breastfeeding and then supplementing if she is still hungry until she ends up in a milk coma of happiness.
Oh, the faces she makes when her tummy is full! I LOVE holding her afterwards and watching her little eyes flutter with contentment and roll back as she smiles. Yes, she's learning to smile! She had a few attempts last week but her first real smile was for Daddy on Sunday- a big, wide, open-mouth grin that couldn't be mistaken. I tried to capture it on camera but was unsuccessful. Daddy got her to do so by tickling her lips with the soothie once she was full and drifting in and out of sleep. Now, it's become a sort of game. After feeding she won't really take the bottle or soothie, but she'll make faces and do the eye things I mentioned- but she LOVES it if you rub the tip of the soothie on her lips and she'll turn them up in a BIG grin. It's adorable and makes me love her that much more- even at the 3am feeding times.
The other night we experienced the 'other end' of this 'eating to contentment' thing. Little Morgan is our child for sure and is a very gassy baby- holding nothing back! With the breast milk her bowel movements tend to come with a large, loud passing of gas (which we lovingly refer to as a shart). Well, Daddy picked her up and was headed in to change her following one such event. I mentioned to him as he picked her up to change her, "make sure she is done!" As he undid her diaper I walked into the room to help. He checked the results and noted, "That wasn't very much..." right as she projectile sharted again. This shart had good aim because she not only hit mommy's shirt and daddy's hands but also the side of the crib, the rug, and her onesie! I can't do the scene justice- we just stood there in dismay as she let out a relieved sigh and we giggled madly at the entire thing. The situation called for a sponge bath and mid-bath I held her up (nude) for Tyler to rub her back (do you see where this is going?!?)- and suddenly I felt warmth all down my chest and nightgown. I had the pee on me- as did her rug. Twice in one sitting. Our little girl is an overachiever.
The other night we were laying in our 'big girl bed' (our bed) and Morgan got to reach out and touch Kibbles for the first time. I think she was fairly sleepy (Morgan, not Kibbles), so she didn't really react that much, but Kibbles didn't seem to mind. She's been good with Morgan but a tad distant. She prefers to be in the other room most of the time, but still makes her way into our bedroom at night to paw us and cuddle. She tends to keep her distance from Morgan, though, instead sitting by my feet when I nurse or on the back of the chair when Morgan is in her bassinet. I like to think she is standing guard.
With today's two-week mark I am cleared to drive again! I think we might do a test-run this week and take Morgan out to gg thompson's for the day. I also think we might drop by the school on Friday for the all-school cookout planned in honor of homecoming. I've had four students drop by to meet Morgan and one who sent a gift. I'll have to keep those pictures (of them holding her) for her scrapbook.
My incision is healing fairly well, but Tyler did note that it looks like it may be slightly open in one tiny area- the same area where some drainage can be found. EW. EW. Yuck. We'll keep an eye on that.
Now, I think I'll go catch a wink of sleep before stinky is bright-eyed and ready for her next feeding.

My Stick Family from

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our Birth Story

On Sunday, September 19th Tyler and I began preparations for the birth of our daughter. Although I had plenty on my mind, I wanted to remember the day as being one of family and togetherness- so I invited my mom and maternal grandparents in for lunch. I figured that I wanted to eat something delishous and BBQ hamburgers and brats fit the bill. Everyone arrived around 1:00p and we started grilling as I continued to work on lesson plans on and off. The food was delicious- along with the BBQ we munched on baked beans, shrimp, grandma's homemade salsa and chips, and of course one of her much appreciated pies (apple).

The day was memorable, albeit stressful and emotional with trying to balance everything I needed and wanted to get done before Morgan's arrival. After a last-minute stop by my classroom, Tyler and I hit the road and headed for Overland Park Regional Medical Center.
We arrived to the hospital with our bags in hand and were passed by many smiling individuals who took the cue from my belly, our anxious look, and the bags and congratulated us on becoming parents. Then, it was up to the third floor and to the nurse's station.

We were greeted by the same nurse that tended to me when we went in for our 'scare' before 36 weeks and she gave me a gown and directions on how to prepare to get situated in our labor & delivery room. At about 8:15 or so they started my IV (which stung/burned for a bit and was in my right wrist) and started to administer fluids to boost up and hydrate my system. Then, we started the Cervidil to get my body into 'baby mode'- I was about 1cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital.

Although the bed was a tad uncomfortable, I slept through most of the night and was having minor contractions by about 1:00am. Tyler had left around midnight to spend some time with his brother (who just got off work) since I really wasn't feeling anything too serious. In the morning, Dr. Moulten was there early to check me and see how we had progressed overnight. I was dilated to about a 2 and feeling more regular contractions, but it seemed like they would be regular and intense for about an hour or two and then die out and I'd be able to sleep. He advised us at that point that we were not exactly making the progress he would hope to see and that we would continue and he would be back to check me later that afternoon, as he had a full clinic to tend to.

We had a FABULOUS L&D nurse on Monday named Jackie. She was very kind and attentive throughout the day, sending 'come on baby' vibes and talking about her own two children. However, little Morgan didn't seem to be too intent on making an entrance as Jackie checked me a couple of times (OUCH) and no real progress/change was made.
Doctor Moulten checked in around noon and advised us of our options:

1) Quit the Pitocin and try everything again on Tuesday
2) Opt for a C-Section
3) Continue with the Pitocin until the evening and reassess then

At that point we chose option three and continued to hope that baby Morgan would make her move(s). At around 5:00p Doctor Moulten returned, Jackie having contacted him before hand and let him know that we were not progressing. At that point, Tyler and I had a serious talk about our options, emotions, etc.

We were aware that Morgan's size was a concern and that the doctor was expecting some serious damage (to be polite) if I were to have a natural delivery. We discussed the chance of shoulder dystocia and the risk of my narrow pelvis and her size. I shared with Tyler that my biggest fear was if we DID do the c-section option that I would have to be put under general anesthesia and would miss her birth and first cries. After talking with Dr. Moulten and going over the risks and options, we decided that it was in our best interest to schedule the c-section as Morgan's head was not making its way down.

Doctor Moulten told us he would return around 6:30p Monday evening and we would proceed from there, but we did continue the Pitocin in an attempt to see if she would progress. At around 7:00p Doctor Moulten was back and noted that the anesthesiologist would be dropping by to discuss options with us and that there was a delivery in the operating room currently but that we were next in line. Our anesthesiologist, Dr. Hagen, came in shortly thereafter and calmed my nerves when he said that he was willing to try a spinal block for the operation. My biggest fear at that point was not being able to be lucid for the delivery. Dr. Hagen knew and worked with the doctor who performed my back surgery in '99 (Dr. Asher), and he seemed very experienced and yet down-to-earth. He reminded me of Dr. Lovett, one of my professors from ESU, which was funny.

At about 7:30 Tyler started to dress in his funny little yellow gown, hat, and shoe scrub covers. We prepped my bed to roll down to the operating room, and let my mom (who was in the waiting room) know that we were about to go in. As we rolled down the hallway I nervously looked around, trying to take everything in while also process the concept that in less than an hour we would have our baby girl. When we arrived at operating room number one they had me get out of my bed and walk to the operating table, since I hadn’t had any medication yet, I was able to do so. It was up on the table and some small-talk with Dr. Hagen to soothe my nerves as he prepared to insert the needle(s) for the spinal block. Tyler sat in front of me, holding my hands and practicing my breathing techniques (funny that THIS is where they really came in handy) as they scrubbed down my back and found a good place to put the injection(s). I had to really fight not to start shaking at this point, as I needed to be perfectly still. I worked hard through the pain to arch my back and push my abdomen in and back out for Dr. H. It took about 5-10 minutes (or so it seemed) and Tyler and Dr. H telling me I was doing great, before the procedure was done. Once it was, Dr. H and the nurses rolled me onto my side just as my legs began to go numb. It was a very odd feeling- I noted that as a control freak it was VERY hard to deal with being so OUT of control with my body.

As we prepared for the impending surgery, I listened to hear that the radio was on in the O.R. and Tyler giggled when he realized the song was Big Me by the Foo Fighters. If that’s not foreshadowing, I don’t know what is. With my legs numb, Dr. Moulten and Dr. Hagen did a few ‘tests’ to see if I could feel any pain. I could not, but could feel a general tugging as they began to perform the surgery. Everything from about my armpits down was numb but I did start to feel some very intense pains in my shoulders as they carried on; the nurse explained that the pain was directed there since it was the one place I could feel. The big blue curtain separated me from everything going on with the surgery, but the nurse had asked if we wanted a ‘play by play’- to which I answered ‘NO’ and Tyler answered ‘YES’ to at the very same time. HA! About half way through, as I started to ache and shake, I told her that a play-by-play would be alright. It was kind of a blur throughout the surgery but I recall very vividly the point where they told me her head was almost out- Tyler stood up to look over the curtain to see them bring it out. Then, they told me that they needed to push on my chest to get the rest of her out and that I would feel a lot of pressure. They weren’t joking! A lot of pressure later I heard our baby girl’s first gargle-esque cries. After that, Tyler left my side to take up Morgan’s side as they examined and weighed her. I heard the doctors continue to talk and I complained to my nurse about the intense shoulder pain, which had now intensified. I heard Dr. Moulten grow a tad concerned as he relayed to the other nurse to order some type of medicine because my uterus was ‘flaccid’ and not firming up as it should. The nurse told me I’d have to wait for more pain meds since this was priority at the time. Quickly after receiving the meds my uterus started to do whatever it was they wanted it to do and concern faded. I heard a nurse announce that Morgan was 9lb. 9.1oz. and I remember saying something along the lines of being glad I had the c-section and that Dr. M wasn’t too far off with the weight estimate. Tyler later told me that as he was watching them check and tend to Morgan the song playing on the stereo was Hootie & The Blowfish’s Hold My Hand and ironically enough, he was holding to her little hand when it came on.

Soon I was all stitched up and the doctors and nurses were rolling me from the O.R. table back onto my L&D bed (which was mighty uncomfortable). I was SUPER groggy as they rolled me back down the hallway and to my original room. Within the next thirty minutes I found myself fighting to stay awake and lucid- it certainly helped when they brought Morgan in and put her next to me to nurse. The lactation nurse was there to help position her and get her to latch, which she had no trouble with. I was so very out of it that this part is mostly a blur, but I remember stroking her hair and touching her face. My mom came in shortly thereafter to see her and to say goodbye before leaving the hospital.

Soon, Morgan was put into her own little carrier and both she and I were wheeled to the place they take babies and mammas after they’ve given birth. This room was SO much smaller and I almost cried, missing our nurse, Jackie, from L&D and our big, fancy room. However, we had the baby with us, so that made up for the change of venue. Our nurse, Becky, though was very kind and sweet and ended up ‘suggesting’ that Morgan come with her to the nursery for the evening so we could get some rest. I was a little skeptical, but it ended up that Morgan’s temperature was low and she wasn’t regulating it very well, so an evening in the nursery under the heat lamp was required. I was still very groggy, so I slept pretty hard and they brought her in soon enough to nurse and say ‘hello’. Soon enough, her ‘birthday’ was over and it was time for mommy and daddy to transition into the ‘world of baby’- a transition that we’re still working on but catching the hang of rather quickly.

My Stick Family from

Saturday, September 18, 2010

In This Life

It is almost impossible to fathom the idea that sometime in the next 96 hours Tyler and I will be parents. I mean, we've been parents for the last nine months, but holding and tending to Morgan outside of the womb is an entirely different experience.

I think we are both dealing with the approaching birth in different ways. I can't really speak for Tyler, but I've watched him go through 'nesting' more so than myself in the last week. I had to giggle when I walked through the kitchen on Wednesday night and found him standing in front of our pantry, which was completely empty. Boxes of food scattered on the sink board, I asked him what he was doing. Now, mind you, this was at 10:00p; he replied that he had, "bought more stuff and wanted to organize it." I just stood there, looking at him, as he replied, "What?!?" I didn't have to say it, he knew that his nesting instincts were kicking in. As he prepared for work last night he asked me 'not to call him unless I went into labor' because his nerves were so on edge, so he's definately dealing with some emotions and instincts in terms of Morgan's arrival.

Myself, I'm trying to maintain balance between preprations to be a mother and preprations to have a substitute. It's really pulling at my heartstrings, but I have to face it that I am an adult and have various responsibilities that I need to juggle in order to maintain order. I'm working hard, though, to make sure that my priority as a mother is #1, though. I had vented my emotions regarding such emotions a while back to another young mother who is an elementary school teacher and she relayed some wisdom shared with her when she had her child, "You can be a great teacher and a good mom or a great mom and a good teacher." The past three years of my life I've fumbled with the roles of teacher, wife, and indivdual so that I'd almost found a balance that left my life in a sense of order and given me the time with Tyler and the time to myself that I needed to be the teacher I want(ed) to be and maintain sanity. Now, it's time to throw another role in the mix, perhaps the most important role an individual can ever hold- parent.

Tyler and I have talked endlessly on goals, plans, etc. regarding our roles as parents. Now, all of these ideas and plans are going to be tested as they are put into action. As is typical, I fear failure but accept that it will happen, finding comfort in the fact that I have such a strong, loving partner to share in the experience with.

At this point, I can handle reducing my standards to being a 'good' teacher if that means more time, attention, and focus on our child. Putting that into action though, will be the test. So, here I sit, less than 48 hours before inducing labor- considering the to-do list before me and wanting to balance preprations for my leave of absence and preprations for my new task in life- raising a child. I want to reflect, to consider the experiences and events in my life that have lead me to this point...

The point in my life where I never even imagined the desire to birth a child to the moment where I anticipate the experience being the greatest accomplishment of my life.

The point in our marriage where our love becomes so tangible, having created a child who can bask and grow in that love and the support of her parents.

The point in our lives where our priorities, dreams, and desires shift and shape into not only visions of ourselves in the future but those same aspirations for our child.

It's just... amazing. I can't even begin to describe the emotions, joy, and experiences that are sure to come in the next few days- not to mention the rest of our lives.


My Stick Family from

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make Womb for Baby!

We had our 39 week (and three days) appointment today, with sonogram. I had to laugh when once again Morgan's first clear picture was of her lady parts... There really isn't much 'womb' in there, so we didn't get any good pictures or views of her face, but we were assured that she has plenty of fluid, etc.

We saw her little heart just pumping away and her beautiful spine, leg bones, arm bones, tummy, kidneys, etc. We did get two pictures, one of the back of her head and ear and the other of her little hand (digits, as daddy says). Once we finished the sonogram we headed to the exam room and waited to talk with our doctor about her estimated size, etc.

I was half-expecting what we heard, but it didn't seem real until Dr. M shared their guesstimates. At our 33 week appointment Morgan was in the 76th percentile, which basically means that if there were 100 women who became pregnant on the same day I did, 26 of them would have babies larger than I would... no worries. Well, according to today's sonogram we are in the 90th percentile- same scenerio- only 9 babies would be larger than Morgan. I know that their estimates can be off significantly, however, when he said they are estimating her to be around 9lb. 6oz. I was still taken aback a bit. I really feel like she'll be more like 8lb something-or-other, but we'll have to wait and see.

We discussed the options:
1) Schedule Induction OR 2) Schedule C-Section

We opted for scheduling an induction to begin with and attempting a vaginal birth- our original hopes and plan. SO, we go in on SUNDAY (Yeah, like THREE DAYS from now) for induction!!! It looks like Morgan might actually be born on her due date (9/20)!

After making the decision, Dr. M walked me to scheduling while Tyler took care of paying for and picking up our breast feeding pump. As the lady was scheduling me, she told me that her 'record' was that almost everyone she scheduled for induction actually ended up going into labor naturally before the scheduled induction, we shared a good laugh at that. As she was on speaker scheduling the appointment, I started to shake out of nervousness and anxiety- even so that my teeth started to chatter. I got myself in check pretty quickyly, but couldn't shake the 'OH MY GOD' feeling that this is really going to happen SOON.

I had somewhat resigned myself that having this little baby in my body was going to last forever, as silly as that sounds. Now, having the date, time, and appointment set is just so REAL. I have to laugh, though, because if Morgan's personality is actually how I percieve it, she'll know that I'm all prepared and ready for Sunday now and decide to 'surprise' us early. Actually, about an hour after leaving the office, I started feeling some cramps and though, "Really, baby girl?" However, they subsided for the most part.

So, exciting changes and transitions for the Jenkins household in the next few days!


My Stick Family from

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain...

When she comes.
Yesterday marked the start of week 38! We had a busy weekend, road tripping to Wichita for Matt (Tyler's Brother) & Crispian's wedding. It was a wonderful event and we had a great time. I tried to take it easy over the weekend and keep my feet up as they have been swelling horribly. Exhibit One:
The nursery is as ready as can be, our hospital bag is packed (albeit it needs to be re-packed to include different items), and we've taken our breastfeeding and childbirth classes. Now, it's just up to Morgan when the next phase of operation baby-birthing begins. I have yet to really feel any contractions, as far as I know. However, on the road home from Wichita on Sunday, I thought that perhaps I was feeling some Braxton Hicks contractions.
My lower abdomen would tighten with an ache/cramp and remain that way for a moment or so before lightening up again- in the process Morgan would go NUTS kicking and bumping around, sending waves across my belly. It wasn't quite painful but it was uncomfortable but not long-lasting. After about thirty minutes or so I was able to fall asleep and remained in and out of sleep for the rest of the car ride home. So, if it was anything, it subsided.
Aside from my feet aching, swelling, and tingling I feel alright- uncomfortable but pretty good. I learned how to podcast last week, so I'm going to work on getting lessons podcasted about a week ahead of time for my sub. I have a feeling that Morgan just might decide to make an appearance next week...
Kibbles has been so silly lately. She has taken to following me around the house and staying at my feet 90% of the time. Right now, she's laying under my desk (her new favorite spot) and leaning against my right foot. Perhaps she is trying to give me a purr-sage to comfort my swollen tootsie? Regardless, she's been extra loving and it is appreciated. As soon as we were home Sunday I was in bed for a quick nap and it wasn't long before she was stretched out across my chest with her paws over Morgan. Our 37 week appointment was fairly quick and simple, however, Dr. P mentioned for the first time that I am 'measuring big'. He discussed the probability that the baby could be larger (8-9lb) but noted that isn't usually a reason for induction. We did schedule, though, another growth scan for 9/16 if we have not had her yet. That is four days before our due date, and I'm guessing we might not make it that far.
This week (wk. 38) our appointment is actually with Dr. M (haven't seen him since 8/2), our delivering doctor! It is on Thursday afternoon, and we'll see what he thinks about size, swelling, etc.
As for school, it looks to be a fairly busy week. I'm working a volleyball game at the middle school tonight and my students embark upon content today, and their Black Death simulation tomorrow. Friday is our first home Football game and I'm looking forward to that and the pulled pork dinner that goes with it! Let's see if Morgan holds out so that I can enjoy the first home game. I'm sure daddy wouldn't be too disappointed if she decided to come in the middle of the week, as that is his 'off time'.
No signs of pending departure, though, as of yet. 14 days until our due date!!!

My Stick Family from

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The answer comes in a cup...

I tested yesterday for the Strep B bacteria and was told that I would only get a telephone call from an actual person if I tested positive and then we'd proceed from there to protect the baby once my water breaks and we proceed through labor.
So, I was a bit hesitant to take the phone from Tyler when he said, "It's the doctor's office." I answered and the nurse introduced herself and I muttered, "Oh, no, did my results come back positive?" She was a little unsure and said, "we got your hospital labs back and you have a urine infection." I said, "OH! I tested yesterday for Strep B..." and she reassured me that those results are not back yet. WHEW.
I did find it a little disconcerting that it took over a week for the hospital to determine that I had not one, not two, but three organisms in my urine. The night we were at the hospital, they said my urine looked clean and that wasn't the cause of my pain. However, the nurse just explained on the phone that the infection could very well be the cause of my pelvic and back pain. Good to know.
So, antibiotics for a week and we'll hopefully clear this thing up.
Our childbirth class for this evening was re-scheduled, as the instructor called me today to let me know she woke up with pink eye. I told her we'd reschedule so as not to chance any risk of my getting pink eye (or Tyler for that matter). Now, we've bumped it to 8/30... we'll be 37 weeks then and just hope that Morgan doesn't surprise us with an early arrival.
She has been thumpin' around quite a bit this afternoon... silly booger! Now, that frees up our night so that Tyler and I can go out together and do something non-school related and FUN!

My Stick Family from

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another Step Closer...

As of today, we are ready for weekly doctor's appointments! I ventured out alone to the 35 week checkup, as Tyler was working the 2nd job this afternoon and evening. I met with a new nurse, who was quite friendly, and then visited with Dr. P throughout the checkup. It was pretty quick, however, we did the test for Strep B and I should know the results for that in a couple of days.

If you are unfamiliar, it's a pretty harmless bacteria that is potentially harmful to the baby as it exits the birth canal. If I'm a carrier, they'll simply put me on anibiotics once my water breaks in order to protect the baby.

Tyler was a sweetie tonight and picked up pizza for dinner after getting home. I've really been craving a lighter fare, but it was tasty. Morgan absolutely loves it when I lean back in the recliner and she can stretch out and roll around- so after dinner I did this and she put on quite a show. I felt a hand and her feet as I rubbed and she tumbled around. I'm getting to the point that every time I see a small baby, I just ache to have Morgan in my arms... I never in my life imagined I would experience that.

Sunday was Morgan's final shower, and several friends and family members showed up for the lovely scrapbook themed event. Morgan now has several pages for her birth-one year scrapbook that were personalized and created by these individuals! Here are a few pictures from the lovely shower that my colleague and friend, Bethany (and her mom, Donna) threw:

If you are yearning for more shower pics, my Aunt Julie took a bunch that I have uploaded to my facebook album; you can view them HERE. The album has pictures of each shower... enjoy!

The 5:00am rise and shine has been killer as we transition back into the school year. However, Morgan is usually up to greet me with some kicks as I hit snooze a couple times and then make my way to the kitchen for breakfast and then to the shower. There are days when she responds quickly to the warm shower and others where I think she is in a 'food coma' from breakfast.

Inservice meetings have been interesting, as our principal's voice frequently rises to a loud, shouting 'teacher voice' tone, she'll respond with some startled kicks... ha! When the room gets a little load during discussions, too, she seems to get a little flustered and kicks around. It's a pretty neat experience to feel her react to MY environment.

Tuesday marks 36 weeks AND the first day of school... it is going to be an interesting ride. I discovered today that my long-term sub, too, is expecting and his wife is due 9/4! Let's hope I hold out until closer to our due date (9/20) so he gets some time with his new babe, too!


My Stick Family from

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Slow & Steady

The theme of the past week has been 'transitions'. It has been incredibly difficult to go from sleeping in, lounging around, and focusing on myself and baby to trying to put a classroom back together and all that entails. I'm still struggling to find the happy median between 'too much' and 'too little' but I'm hoping to have that 'a-ha' moment prior to the first day of school.

I feel a little guilty because I rather liked my summer and the fact that everything could be all about Morgan and the pregnancy. It is difficult to balance my mindset to include both Morg and school. It'll be a learning stretch, but I know it'll come to me at some point.

I had a good talk with Tyler the other night about not wanting to be someone who 'doesn't have time for hobbies' or is a workaholic- like I have been the past three years. I know now where my priorities need to be and where I want them to be, I just need a little guidance on how to get there.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Poor Morgan got a nice 'thump' hello from Kibbles last night- followed by a nice scolding of Kibbles from daddy. Kibbles was in 'freak-out mode', running through the house and going nuts. She took a running jump over the back of the futon (on which I was laying) and landed right on my left side, where Morgan's back and butt typically rest. It knocked the wind out of me but Morgan didn't seem to startle or thump back or anything... maybe she was asleep? Kibbles is going to need to watch out, I'm pretty confident that Morgan will outweigh her seven pounds at birth. I'm sure, though, that she'll also put Kibbles through the hell of living with a toddler in years to come... payback! :-)

We have our doctor's appointment (35 weeks) on Wednesday afternoon, where they'll do the StrepB test to see if I am a carrier and if so they'll make accommodations (I think oral meds? A shot for baby at birth) to protect Morgan from the potentially harmful bacteria. Aside from that, I think the visit will be fairly routine.

Our Childbirth class was scheduled for today from 9a-4p, but if Tyler attended he would have had to be up for nearly 36 hours straight, so we arranged to pay a little extra and have a 1:1 personalized course some time in the next week or two. He's convinced that his mindset will be much clearer with sleep.

I've been taking it easy the last couple of days, after Tuesday night's scare. It is becoming pretty painful to walk back-and-forth from my classroom to the office and from classroom to other parts of the school, so I'm trying to limit my trips beyond the classroom door before the year officially starts. I can only imagine what early September is going to feel like! HA!


My Stick Family from

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Practice Run

Things learned in the last 24 Hours:

1) That Tyler can be up and ready to drive to the hospital in less than 7 minutes.

2) We can get to said hospital in about 35 minutes when abiding by most traffic laws.

3) Where to enter the hospital at 1:30 am.

4) That muscle spasms and contractions apparently feel different.

5) That Morgan gets very flustered when I sneeze (HB jumps from the 130's to the 160's and then calms down...)

6) That I can drink a WHOLE lot of water in 30 minutes.

7) That I need to make some MAJOR changes to the way I do things at school if I want to be somewhat-comfortable throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.

8) My cervix is still very-much closed.

9) That I always imagined I would be HOT in the hospital when under stress/pressure, but was VERY Cold- need to amend the contents of my hospital bag.

10) That traffic on I-35 is much better at night.

If you didn't catch it from the Letterman themed top ten, Tyler and I made a 'practice run' to the hospital last night. After waiting it out for about three hours, I finally decided that what I was feeling warranted an exam by a medical professional, in case the pain was indeed contractions.

To try to describe it accurately, I would say that it felt like lightning bolts striking my lower abdomen and then streaking across my pelvic area. Pair that with the intense pressure that followed and I thought I just might be having pre-labor contractions. I had called the doctor on call and decided to try to fall asleep and just call back in the morning since I didn't have any really scary concerns like bleeding or losing fluid. However, I woke up after about 30 minutes of sleep and the pains were unbearable. At that point, we decided a trip to the hospital was in order.

When we reached Olathe the pains, which were fairly solid but intensified about every 10 to 15 minutes, moved into my lower left side and back. It was at that point that I dropped a few 'f bombs' (okay, several, repeatedly) and Tyler pushed down a little more on the accelerator. Once at the hospital we went up to the third floor and turned left- the dreaded hallway I had hoped to avoid (pre-term labor issues/exams). I was strapped with a fetal monitor to listen to Morgan (whom I wasn't so concerned about because she was moving and thumping non-stop) while the nurse checked my cervix, etc. I was happy to hear that my cervix remained fully closed, but puzzled as to what these pains were then.

I endured several more bouts as they monitored and examined. The final verdict from the on-call doctor was that I overdid it in my classroom on Monday and Tuesday, pulling a muscle in my lower back. The spasms from this muscle effected my abdominal muscles, causing the pains I mentioned. At this, I thought to myself, "Oh, God, if these aren't contractions what do they feel like?!?" We remained at the hospital for a couple more hours of monitoring and some water intake. The pains were still present when we left, and I nearly threw up on the ride home. However, there's not much I can take in the way of pain relief at this point in the pregnancy, so I'll just get extra practice at pain management pre-labor. I should be a pro by then!

I'm on 'restricted activity' for a while, so I went to the school today but mostly sat and did light activity. I wasn't very productive, but had some quality time with a couple Renaissance kiddos (lots of laughter there) and a parent-night meeting this evening. Tomorrow: Enrollment! Morgan has been moving quite a bit today and yesterday, and I've done a much better job at keeping a regular schedule (eating, getting up, etc.). This has been one of my major priorities since I've been sleeping in quite a bit and eating at odd times. I don't want to confuse the poor thing!

Kibbles, too, has been extra cuddly, which is appreciated. She likes to curl up on my chest and stretch her paws out over where Morgan's legs are. She does not, however, like it when she rests her hind end in that same area and gets a few kicks in the butt from Morg! HA!!!

Tomorrow night is our parent meeting with our chosen pediatrician, which I'm excited about. I need to upload pictures of the completed crib (with bedding!) and recent Morgan-themed purchases. Sunday is our last Shower, so after that we'll need to outline the final necessities we need to purchase and get down to business. Right now, I know that Breast Pump and Bottles top the list- I'm sure there are other things but I can't think of them right now.

Oh, by the way, I highly recommend you check out Tyler's blog. It's devoted to his adventures and musings on fatherhood. You can visit it at


My Stick Family from

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thirty Three: Sonogram & Pre-Registration

We had several rounds of baby-related appointments scheduled for today- it made the day fly by, although we've looked forward to it for weeks! Our first appointment was with the Labor & Delivery ward of the hospital, at 2:30p. So, Tyler was able to get a few hours sleep after work before we had to drive up to Overland Park for our meetings. We went over the basics of the ward and admissions, including paperwork for Morgan's birth certificate. Once we were done there, it was time for our appointment with Dr. M.

When we made it up to the floor of the doctor's office, I really had to use the bathroom! However, since it was a sonogram day, I had to wait. We went in and soon enough the screen was filled with our little Morgan Kaye! I already had an idea of what part of her was where judging by her movements the past couple of weeks- I was surprised, though, to find that I was right! Morgan is still head-down (good girl!) with her back curled up against my left rib-cage and her feet and legs curled under my right breast and onto my right side. This explains why sometimes she thumps so hard that my entire right breast raises and/or jiggles! Her little hands are all over the place, but mostly by her head and low on my right side. In one of the photo-captures, she was resting her chin on her little fist. <3> showing off her girly parts- we got another great shot of them this appointment. I laughed and told the sono tech that she's always sure to give us a glimpse and reassure us that she is all girl. She was wiggly for most of the viewing and my favorite part was seeing her heart pumping. Another neat observation is that she's already got plenty of hair on that nogin of hers! I just hope she isn't as hairy as daddy! :-) We watched as the tech measured her head, waist, femur, arm bone (name escapes me), etc. Then, we were free to wait in the waiting room while she did the math for the measurements and we waited for Dr. M. After a while we were ushered into an exam room, but it would still be quite a wait. We entertained ourselves (not an understatement) with our goofy senses of humor. Someone had left the tie-back of a robe hanging out of a drawer, so we joked about doing something funny with it before Tyler actually got up and tied the straps into a pretty little bow, so they weren't dragging the floor. That set me off with a case of the giggles. Then, while viewing a copy of Time magazine in the wall-stash of magazines I came across this extremely odd ad with a woman (lady ga-ga, maybe?) nude but covered with photo-shopped bubbles. I opened the magazine to that page and replaced it in the front of the clear magazine holder so that it was clearly visable to anyone in the room- again setting us off with the giggles. As we continued to wait we started playing with the long, skinny light that they use for examinations. I turned it towards Tyler and started saying, 'Wall-e,' in a mechanical voice. That transitioned into us joking about turning off all the lights in the room and when Dr. M walked in we would have the little light turned towards ourselves, turn it on, and freeze like deer in headlights. Giggles again- and some snorts. Finally, we settled in on the hypothetical option where Tyler would sit in the corner chair with the light facing him as a microphone- when the door opened, he'd turn on the light and serenade me with Paul Anka, "Having my baby... what a lovely way of saying how much you love me..." At that point, Dr. M and his student walked in to find me snorting and giggling. I explained why to them and they just awkwardly looked at us and smiled. C'mon, Dr. M- we chose you (among other things) for your sense of humor! I think it had been a long day, as he was about an hour late to seeing us.

Dr. M went over some routine details (he hasn't seen us since May...) and then confirmed that by the measurements taken during the sonogram, Baby Morgan is about 5lbs, 11oz, putting her into the 76th percentile, which is a-okay. It's good to have an estimate, as we haven't had an idea of her size up until this point. Tyler asked about travel to Wichita for his brother's wedding on September 4th- Dr. M said we'll have to wait and see because, "You could end up giving birth down there." Ummm... yeah, not the plan. I think we'll be okay for travel, though... time will tell.

In nursery-related news, daddy got Morgan's crib put together last week. The only thing we need to fix is the setting he has for the mattress- he has it on the lowest. I was a little worried when I went in and leaned over trying to reach down... it makes me feel better knowing that the mattress will be way further up. Speaking of mattresses, that's the next on our 'priority purchase' list. We've been saving our gift cards from showers so that we can purchase these last minute essentials and I think we'll use our Target cards tomorrow to purchase the mattress. It's between the Serta Nightstar Extra Firm Mattress and the Kolcraft Sealy Natural Rest. Any opinions out there?

Last weekend was the Lawrence shower, which was lovely! Morgan was showered with love by many friends and family members. Grandma Ronnie made some lovely star-shaped cakes and we also had a moon made of cupcakes. The veggies and food were delishious, and the games made for some good entertainment. Morgan now has several more outfits (whew!), homemade blankets, diapers, wipes, some toys, a bassinett, and other misc. items.

The day after the shower I packed up and headed to Chicago for the week with some colleagues. We did A LOT of walking throughout the week and Morgan wasn't always fond of that. I felt sick-ish after a few days in, but I'm pretty sure it was just how active we were, that we weren't eating well, and I was tired. I mentioned it to the doctor today and he didn't seem to have any concerns.

It's SO nice to be at home again and getting back into the swing of things. On Saturday I took a scrapbooking class (a birthday present from Tyler) and made a magnetic board for Morgan's room:

I'm still procrastinating lesson plans, but need to get the ball rolling on that this week. Tomorrow night Tyler and I plan on a 'date night' with dinner and a movie. It'll be a nice change of pace, as we haven't been able to spend much 1:1 time with one another. I hope we get plenty of that in the next few weeks before we bring little Morgan into our lives and the (organized?) chaos begins! :-)

My Stick Family from

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thirty Weeks & Some Change

Things are moving right along here in the Jenkins household. Tyler has started his new job and thus was unable to attend today’s thirty-week appointment. He now works weekends, in preparation for being a stay-at-home daddy during the week; Morgan’s in for a treat! His schedule now, though, is all over the place since he has some training to do as he transitions in with the organization.

We’ve been going to our appointments in the Overland Park office now, since that appointment is connected to the hospital where we’ll deliver. This was our first scheduled appointment there and realistically it’s just as easy as going to Lawrence.

I saw Dr. P today, as Dr. M was again taking a vacation day. The appointment part was fairly serious (Dr. P, too, has a pretty good sense of humor), but he goofed a bit afterwards as we attempted to get me in for a pre-consult with anesthesia. As for the appointment, it was pretty typical- baby’s heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. Morgan still appears, well, from his pushing and feeling from the outside, to be head down (good girl). She was in an odd position today, though, so we had a difficult time hearing the heartbeat the way Dr. P wanted to. Apparently, the beat makes a ‘whoosh’ sound when it is traveling away from the Doppler and the actual ‘beat’ when it is traveling towards it. We eventually heard her heartbeat the ‘normal’ way it typically shows up and it was around 146 bpm. Then, I made a comment about the Herrington rods in my back (from scoliosis surgery) and he noted that he wanted me to do a pre-consult with anesthesia as to whether or not that would interfere with an epidural.

I told him I was fairly sure I’d had an epidural before, but he still wanted me to talk with them. Also, he wants to do a growth scan and formally ensure that Morgan is head down still- so we set that up for our next appointment (when Dr. M will finally be there!) I made sure to schedule this appointment so daddy could tag along and be well rested, too! Next stop? Anesthesia consult.

I met with Dr. G regarding anesthesia. We talked and in talking I realized what I had in 2005 was not an epidural but what he called an epidural injection, which is apparently different. He went over his concerns and laid things out for me, basically saying that the majority of the anesthesiologists would not even consider performing an epidural for a candidate such as I. He explained that doesn’t rule it out, but with the rods and my scar tissue there is only a 50% chance that the epidural would relive any pain. Additionally, there is a risk for infection along the rods, which could lead to damage and future issues. So, he told me he wouldn’t give me a solid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as to whether or not I can have an epidural, but I made the decision from what he did say that it is pretty much out of the question. If I end up having a C-Section (which is not the plan), then they can do a spinal epidural but there are risks there, too, for infection as well as what he called a spinal headache. At this point (and I know when the time (read: pain) comes I’ll think differently), though, I’m preparing myself to endure what will be and prepare to manage what pain I can through other means.

Tomorrow is our breastfeeding course and I think Tyler is going to try and stick-it-out and attend with me, although he’ll have been up all night with work. What a good daddy!

The nursery is really coming along! We painted last week and have everything up on the walls. Tyler plans on putting the crib together when I’m in Chicago and then it will be nearly Morgan-ready… whew!

My Stick Family from

Friday, July 2, 2010

Heads & Tails

Our 28 week appointment was today (28w, 4d) at 11:30a, in Lawrence. We dropped by Hyvee beforehand and I grabbed some fresh fruit from the salad bar to snack on- yummy! We arrived at the appointment and quickly were seen- and of course to drink my ever-so-tasty orange glucose drink.

I drank that and the one-hour count down began! At about 45 minutes the physician's assistant (P.A.) came in for my check-up (Dr. M was out on vacation). We listened to baby Morgan's heartbeat and everything sounded good. I mentioned the intense pressure I've been having (on and off, particularly after walking longer than one mile) and the P.A. decided they would just check and see if it was related to a contraction. So, I got to wear this interesting contraction belt and they hooked up the fetal monitor so that I could also hear Morgan's heartbeat. Again, everything looked great- we got to watch her heart rate fluctuate between the 130's and 150's for about twenty-five minutes!

After that point, I mentioned a couple of other concerns with the P.A. and they drew my blood for the glucose test once my hour had elapsed. The P.A. decided to run a few tests after we discussed my concerns and a couple of them came back with results that left her wanting to know more. Firstly, I have a bacterial infection which is treatable, but could lead to pre-term labor. I have a prescription now, so that should be taken care of in about a week. Secondly, she did a test to ensure that I was not leaking amniotic fluid- the results were inconclusive. So, she decided to send me up to Overland Park for an ultrasound just to be safe.

So, we jumped in the car and headed straight to the O.P. for the sonogram. We got there around 2p and were seen within about 15 minutes. Although I was concerned about the idea of fluid loss, I just had a feeling that everything was a-okay. However, I was thrilled at the idea of being able to see Morgan again, I've SO wanted to be able to, because I needed the reassurance (visually) that everything was developing normally. The tech did many things, including measuring the amniotic fluid around the baby, which measured in at 12 (can't remember the unit of measurement). She said they like it to be anywhere from 10 to 20, so Morgan was fine there! Then, they did a series of battery tests to assess her gross and fine motor skills and her practice breathing, she passed all of them!

She put on quite the little show for us! She had been moving and kicking quite a bit since we were in the waiting room and she continued once the gel was on my belly and we were 'watching' her on the big screen. We saw how well developed her little spine is as well as her arms and legs. She had her knees up at one point and it was really cute- we also saw her female genitalia (as clear as day, developing nicely), so there is no doubt that she is a little girl (I'd had a couple of 'surprise, it's a boy' dreams). She rolled over and looked right at the monitor and we saw her little eyes (both open and closed at different times) as well as her lips. Then, she made an ordeal of putting her little arms up in front of her face. Daddy said this was her 'no more photos, please' pose. She was moving so much it took a while for the tech to be able to check the 'blood pressure' on the umbilical cord. However, that, too looked good. Finally, Morgan rolled over and looked toward my back, giving us a cute little shot from behind.

With that, we checked my cervix and it became pretty apparent to me what the pressure has been about. The little booger is head-butting my cervix! The P.A. in Lawrence felt her head when doing the exam and then we picked it up on the ultrasound too- her little head 'bopped' my cervix a few times and I sure felt it. Now, if we can get her to stay that way for the rest of the pregnancy! :-)

Our appointments now will be every two weeks up until 36 weeks, then we'll go weekly. Our next appointment is actually on my birthday! We scheduled it at the Overland Park office, so that we can get familiarized with the location (it's attached to the hospital we will deliver at).

I introduced Tyler to Chick-fil-a after our appointment. It was delicious and he really enjoyed it, as did I. I was SO worn out when we got home that I went into the bedroom and just rested for a few hours, reading my book (My Name is Memory). Now, I'm up and about to convince Tyler to go on a short walk around the block before dark! I hope to upload pictures once he's back from Wal-Mart with copies!

My Stick Family from

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Moving Right Along

It's been a while! We are now sitting at 28 weeks and a couple of days- hard to believe we only have about eighty more days until Morgan Kaye will be outside of the womb. As the baby belly grows and the summer heat rises, the reality of everything is setting in. WHOA. There are moments when I just stare at her sonogram picture and wonder what she looks like at this point- especially when she gets feisty and starts bumping around in there.

We had Morgan's first baby shower this past weekend, in Wichita. We did this one early since we didn't know how long I would want to be making extended road trips. It was hosted by Nana Cherie, and Ami & Amber (the twins, Tyler's step-sisters). About ten of us gathered and munched on delicious cookies, fresh fruit, and a near-perfect cake. A good time was had by all and Morgan gained all kinds of goodies- including a homemade blanket/quilt, diaper bag, outfits, blankets, dolls/animals, a first aide kit, pacifiers, etc.

On Friday we have our 28 week appointment where I'll take my glucose test. I've had the pleasure (ha) of this once already, early in the pregnancy, so I'm prepared. I think we'll have one more appointment before I leave for Chicago in late July. We also have Morg's second shower before I leave, this one in Lawrence for friends & my mom's side of the family.

I've noticed that I'm finally in the stage where it is getting uncomfortable and near impossible to bend and move normally. I was sitting in the car yesterday and nearly cried when I couldn't even bend over forward to pick up my purse from the floor! Dear me. Cleaning house and doing household chores is still possible, but it isn't too long before my back starts aching and I have to stop and stretch. I have a feeling I need to contact maintenance at the school and ask them to HURRY and get my room cleaned for the summer so I can start putting it back together before my energy level (and ability level!) plummets.

I put curtains up in Morgan's room today- the next step is to stencil on the border and for daddy to re-do the trim in the room. He's said he'll put the crib together while I'm gone to Chicago in July.

Our breastfeeding class is coming up in mid-July and I'm going to call OPRMC to schedule a tour of the labor & delivery area, so we are prepared and know where to go and what to expect when Morgan decides the time is right to make her appearance. Tyler starts his new (weekend) job on my birthday (7/16), so I want to get as much out of the way as possible before then.

Once August rolls around, things are going to get crazy! I was actually looking at a calendar the other day and realized that I will only be teaching for a little under a month when the time comes for my due date!!! I just hope I can get everything established and my expectations set prior to having my long-term sub (well, if 5 weeks is considered long-term) come into the class.

^ 28 Weeks!

My Stick Family from