Monday, August 2, 2010

Thirty Three: Sonogram & Pre-Registration

We had several rounds of baby-related appointments scheduled for today- it made the day fly by, although we've looked forward to it for weeks! Our first appointment was with the Labor & Delivery ward of the hospital, at 2:30p. So, Tyler was able to get a few hours sleep after work before we had to drive up to Overland Park for our meetings. We went over the basics of the ward and admissions, including paperwork for Morgan's birth certificate. Once we were done there, it was time for our appointment with Dr. M.

When we made it up to the floor of the doctor's office, I really had to use the bathroom! However, since it was a sonogram day, I had to wait. We went in and soon enough the screen was filled with our little Morgan Kaye! I already had an idea of what part of her was where judging by her movements the past couple of weeks- I was surprised, though, to find that I was right! Morgan is still head-down (good girl!) with her back curled up against my left rib-cage and her feet and legs curled under my right breast and onto my right side. This explains why sometimes she thumps so hard that my entire right breast raises and/or jiggles! Her little hands are all over the place, but mostly by her head and low on my right side. In one of the photo-captures, she was resting her chin on her little fist. <3> showing off her girly parts- we got another great shot of them this appointment. I laughed and told the sono tech that she's always sure to give us a glimpse and reassure us that she is all girl. She was wiggly for most of the viewing and my favorite part was seeing her heart pumping. Another neat observation is that she's already got plenty of hair on that nogin of hers! I just hope she isn't as hairy as daddy! :-) We watched as the tech measured her head, waist, femur, arm bone (name escapes me), etc. Then, we were free to wait in the waiting room while she did the math for the measurements and we waited for Dr. M. After a while we were ushered into an exam room, but it would still be quite a wait. We entertained ourselves (not an understatement) with our goofy senses of humor. Someone had left the tie-back of a robe hanging out of a drawer, so we joked about doing something funny with it before Tyler actually got up and tied the straps into a pretty little bow, so they weren't dragging the floor. That set me off with a case of the giggles. Then, while viewing a copy of Time magazine in the wall-stash of magazines I came across this extremely odd ad with a woman (lady ga-ga, maybe?) nude but covered with photo-shopped bubbles. I opened the magazine to that page and replaced it in the front of the clear magazine holder so that it was clearly visable to anyone in the room- again setting us off with the giggles. As we continued to wait we started playing with the long, skinny light that they use for examinations. I turned it towards Tyler and started saying, 'Wall-e,' in a mechanical voice. That transitioned into us joking about turning off all the lights in the room and when Dr. M walked in we would have the little light turned towards ourselves, turn it on, and freeze like deer in headlights. Giggles again- and some snorts. Finally, we settled in on the hypothetical option where Tyler would sit in the corner chair with the light facing him as a microphone- when the door opened, he'd turn on the light and serenade me with Paul Anka, "Having my baby... what a lovely way of saying how much you love me..." At that point, Dr. M and his student walked in to find me snorting and giggling. I explained why to them and they just awkwardly looked at us and smiled. C'mon, Dr. M- we chose you (among other things) for your sense of humor! I think it had been a long day, as he was about an hour late to seeing us.

Dr. M went over some routine details (he hasn't seen us since May...) and then confirmed that by the measurements taken during the sonogram, Baby Morgan is about 5lbs, 11oz, putting her into the 76th percentile, which is a-okay. It's good to have an estimate, as we haven't had an idea of her size up until this point. Tyler asked about travel to Wichita for his brother's wedding on September 4th- Dr. M said we'll have to wait and see because, "You could end up giving birth down there." Ummm... yeah, not the plan. I think we'll be okay for travel, though... time will tell.

In nursery-related news, daddy got Morgan's crib put together last week. The only thing we need to fix is the setting he has for the mattress- he has it on the lowest. I was a little worried when I went in and leaned over trying to reach down... it makes me feel better knowing that the mattress will be way further up. Speaking of mattresses, that's the next on our 'priority purchase' list. We've been saving our gift cards from showers so that we can purchase these last minute essentials and I think we'll use our Target cards tomorrow to purchase the mattress. It's between the Serta Nightstar Extra Firm Mattress and the Kolcraft Sealy Natural Rest. Any opinions out there?

Last weekend was the Lawrence shower, which was lovely! Morgan was showered with love by many friends and family members. Grandma Ronnie made some lovely star-shaped cakes and we also had a moon made of cupcakes. The veggies and food were delishious, and the games made for some good entertainment. Morgan now has several more outfits (whew!), homemade blankets, diapers, wipes, some toys, a bassinett, and other misc. items.

The day after the shower I packed up and headed to Chicago for the week with some colleagues. We did A LOT of walking throughout the week and Morgan wasn't always fond of that. I felt sick-ish after a few days in, but I'm pretty sure it was just how active we were, that we weren't eating well, and I was tired. I mentioned it to the doctor today and he didn't seem to have any concerns.

It's SO nice to be at home again and getting back into the swing of things. On Saturday I took a scrapbooking class (a birthday present from Tyler) and made a magnetic board for Morgan's room:

I'm still procrastinating lesson plans, but need to get the ball rolling on that this week. Tomorrow night Tyler and I plan on a 'date night' with dinner and a movie. It'll be a nice change of pace, as we haven't been able to spend much 1:1 time with one another. I hope we get plenty of that in the next few weeks before we bring little Morgan into our lives and the (organized?) chaos begins! :-)

My Stick Family from

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