Friday, July 2, 2010

Heads & Tails

Our 28 week appointment was today (28w, 4d) at 11:30a, in Lawrence. We dropped by Hyvee beforehand and I grabbed some fresh fruit from the salad bar to snack on- yummy! We arrived at the appointment and quickly were seen- and of course to drink my ever-so-tasty orange glucose drink.

I drank that and the one-hour count down began! At about 45 minutes the physician's assistant (P.A.) came in for my check-up (Dr. M was out on vacation). We listened to baby Morgan's heartbeat and everything sounded good. I mentioned the intense pressure I've been having (on and off, particularly after walking longer than one mile) and the P.A. decided they would just check and see if it was related to a contraction. So, I got to wear this interesting contraction belt and they hooked up the fetal monitor so that I could also hear Morgan's heartbeat. Again, everything looked great- we got to watch her heart rate fluctuate between the 130's and 150's for about twenty-five minutes!

After that point, I mentioned a couple of other concerns with the P.A. and they drew my blood for the glucose test once my hour had elapsed. The P.A. decided to run a few tests after we discussed my concerns and a couple of them came back with results that left her wanting to know more. Firstly, I have a bacterial infection which is treatable, but could lead to pre-term labor. I have a prescription now, so that should be taken care of in about a week. Secondly, she did a test to ensure that I was not leaking amniotic fluid- the results were inconclusive. So, she decided to send me up to Overland Park for an ultrasound just to be safe.

So, we jumped in the car and headed straight to the O.P. for the sonogram. We got there around 2p and were seen within about 15 minutes. Although I was concerned about the idea of fluid loss, I just had a feeling that everything was a-okay. However, I was thrilled at the idea of being able to see Morgan again, I've SO wanted to be able to, because I needed the reassurance (visually) that everything was developing normally. The tech did many things, including measuring the amniotic fluid around the baby, which measured in at 12 (can't remember the unit of measurement). She said they like it to be anywhere from 10 to 20, so Morgan was fine there! Then, they did a series of battery tests to assess her gross and fine motor skills and her practice breathing, she passed all of them!

She put on quite the little show for us! She had been moving and kicking quite a bit since we were in the waiting room and she continued once the gel was on my belly and we were 'watching' her on the big screen. We saw how well developed her little spine is as well as her arms and legs. She had her knees up at one point and it was really cute- we also saw her female genitalia (as clear as day, developing nicely), so there is no doubt that she is a little girl (I'd had a couple of 'surprise, it's a boy' dreams). She rolled over and looked right at the monitor and we saw her little eyes (both open and closed at different times) as well as her lips. Then, she made an ordeal of putting her little arms up in front of her face. Daddy said this was her 'no more photos, please' pose. She was moving so much it took a while for the tech to be able to check the 'blood pressure' on the umbilical cord. However, that, too looked good. Finally, Morgan rolled over and looked toward my back, giving us a cute little shot from behind.

With that, we checked my cervix and it became pretty apparent to me what the pressure has been about. The little booger is head-butting my cervix! The P.A. in Lawrence felt her head when doing the exam and then we picked it up on the ultrasound too- her little head 'bopped' my cervix a few times and I sure felt it. Now, if we can get her to stay that way for the rest of the pregnancy! :-)

Our appointments now will be every two weeks up until 36 weeks, then we'll go weekly. Our next appointment is actually on my birthday! We scheduled it at the Overland Park office, so that we can get familiarized with the location (it's attached to the hospital we will deliver at).

I introduced Tyler to Chick-fil-a after our appointment. It was delicious and he really enjoyed it, as did I. I was SO worn out when we got home that I went into the bedroom and just rested for a few hours, reading my book (My Name is Memory). Now, I'm up and about to convince Tyler to go on a short walk around the block before dark! I hope to upload pictures once he's back from Wal-Mart with copies!

My Stick Family from


  1. That is funny - little booger was head butting you. Tell her mom says quit doing that! lol. Glad everything went well!

    ~Laura C.
