Saturday, August 14, 2010

Slow & Steady

The theme of the past week has been 'transitions'. It has been incredibly difficult to go from sleeping in, lounging around, and focusing on myself and baby to trying to put a classroom back together and all that entails. I'm still struggling to find the happy median between 'too much' and 'too little' but I'm hoping to have that 'a-ha' moment prior to the first day of school.

I feel a little guilty because I rather liked my summer and the fact that everything could be all about Morgan and the pregnancy. It is difficult to balance my mindset to include both Morg and school. It'll be a learning stretch, but I know it'll come to me at some point.

I had a good talk with Tyler the other night about not wanting to be someone who 'doesn't have time for hobbies' or is a workaholic- like I have been the past three years. I know now where my priorities need to be and where I want them to be, I just need a little guidance on how to get there.

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Poor Morgan got a nice 'thump' hello from Kibbles last night- followed by a nice scolding of Kibbles from daddy. Kibbles was in 'freak-out mode', running through the house and going nuts. She took a running jump over the back of the futon (on which I was laying) and landed right on my left side, where Morgan's back and butt typically rest. It knocked the wind out of me but Morgan didn't seem to startle or thump back or anything... maybe she was asleep? Kibbles is going to need to watch out, I'm pretty confident that Morgan will outweigh her seven pounds at birth. I'm sure, though, that she'll also put Kibbles through the hell of living with a toddler in years to come... payback! :-)

We have our doctor's appointment (35 weeks) on Wednesday afternoon, where they'll do the StrepB test to see if I am a carrier and if so they'll make accommodations (I think oral meds? A shot for baby at birth) to protect Morgan from the potentially harmful bacteria. Aside from that, I think the visit will be fairly routine.

Our Childbirth class was scheduled for today from 9a-4p, but if Tyler attended he would have had to be up for nearly 36 hours straight, so we arranged to pay a little extra and have a 1:1 personalized course some time in the next week or two. He's convinced that his mindset will be much clearer with sleep.

I've been taking it easy the last couple of days, after Tuesday night's scare. It is becoming pretty painful to walk back-and-forth from my classroom to the office and from classroom to other parts of the school, so I'm trying to limit my trips beyond the classroom door before the year officially starts. I can only imagine what early September is going to feel like! HA!


My Stick Family from

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