Thursday, August 19, 2010

The answer comes in a cup...

I tested yesterday for the Strep B bacteria and was told that I would only get a telephone call from an actual person if I tested positive and then we'd proceed from there to protect the baby once my water breaks and we proceed through labor.
So, I was a bit hesitant to take the phone from Tyler when he said, "It's the doctor's office." I answered and the nurse introduced herself and I muttered, "Oh, no, did my results come back positive?" She was a little unsure and said, "we got your hospital labs back and you have a urine infection." I said, "OH! I tested yesterday for Strep B..." and she reassured me that those results are not back yet. WHEW.
I did find it a little disconcerting that it took over a week for the hospital to determine that I had not one, not two, but three organisms in my urine. The night we were at the hospital, they said my urine looked clean and that wasn't the cause of my pain. However, the nurse just explained on the phone that the infection could very well be the cause of my pelvic and back pain. Good to know.
So, antibiotics for a week and we'll hopefully clear this thing up.
Our childbirth class for this evening was re-scheduled, as the instructor called me today to let me know she woke up with pink eye. I told her we'd reschedule so as not to chance any risk of my getting pink eye (or Tyler for that matter). Now, we've bumped it to 8/30... we'll be 37 weeks then and just hope that Morgan doesn't surprise us with an early arrival.
She has been thumpin' around quite a bit this afternoon... silly booger! Now, that frees up our night so that Tyler and I can go out together and do something non-school related and FUN!

My Stick Family from

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