Sunday, October 17, 2010

Step by Step

Can you believe that tomorrow will be four weeks from the day Morgan was born?!? Our days (and nights...) have been filled with her activities, eccentricities, and memories.

At this point we are letting her sleep a bit longer than the 2-3 hours that was first recommended to bolster her weight back up to her birth weight. Grandma and Great-Grandma weighed her on Grandma's scale yesterday and estimate that she is around 1o pounds and some change. We officially go to the Ped. again on the 25th, so we'll see! If we let her, she'll sleep around 5 hours at a time, wake up to feed, and then slip back into sleep after wiggling a bit and making her 'baby pig' (read: grunts and snorts) noises.

Really, she is a wonderful baby- but mommy is SO used to getting her Z's that it's been a rough adjustment. Daddy, too, is dragging, but handles our needs so well and doesn't complain (I can't say as much for myself).

On Friday, Morgan's great-grandma Ronnie came to town and we went on a walk. We were going to just make it short, but I asked if we could walk the 6 or so blocks to the district office to drop off some paperwork, so we did. Then, we walked main street... then we stopped in some stores. We ended up being gone for TWO HOURS! Morgan was SO good- she was bright eyed for quite a while and then slipped into sleep only to wake up and fuss once for a minute before falling asleep again. I really have no scope for comparison, so I couldn't imagine what such a long walk would do to my body. I was SO SORE that afternoon and the next morning that I could barely get from sitting to standing. Note to self: don't overdo it.

We gave Morgan her first bath the other night, which she loved. Her most recent development is that she giggles and smiles in her sleep; it is precious. I especially love it when I'm holding her over my shoulder, facing me, and she does it. Earlier tonight I kissed her cheek and she proceeded to smile and giggle- it made me want to just squeeze and hold her tighter!

I think we are going to try to make a trip to the pumpkin patch this week, so we can take some pictures and pick up a few more pumpkins. We're also going to make a trip to Topeka so that Morgan can meet her great-grandparents and other family members from my dad's side of the family. I hope the trip goes smooth, as it will be our longest trip to date.

My Stick Family from

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