Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Weeks!

It's hard to believe that Morgan Kaye is three weeks old today! It has been a blast seeing her grown and change every day- I'm dreading going back to work and already having minor panic attacks- boo! Enough about that, though!
Here are some recent observations/milestones:
We went on our first walk this past week- the three of us. We didn't go far since it was my first time out of the house and I wasn't sure how far I'd be able to comfortably walk. Morgan enjoyed the walk and was drifting off to sleep by the time we did a final lap of our mini-block. I went on a solo-walk with her on Sunday, and she drifted off to sleep by the time we got home. That one was a longer walk, as I'm building up stamina. HA!
Last weekend marked her first 'real' smile (for daddy). At this point, after a really solid feeding she will drift in and out of sleep and manages quite a few smiles as her eyes flicker and roll back in her head. She doesn't always want her soothie, but when she is serene like this, if you rub it softly across her lips she will smile and it is adorable.
She is learning how to laugh- it is funny! The first time I heard her, I was startled because it was a brand new noise and I was not used to it. However, Tyler said that she had been doing it earlier too, and we realized it was her little laugh. She's only done it a couple of times, but it is cute.
She's becoming more vocal- in a grunt-like way. I seriously think she sounds like a little baby pig! She is a VERY gassy baby and is frequently grunting and making other little pig-like noises. My favorite noise, though, is still the big sigh she lets out when/after sneezing. It's like she'll get two good sneezes and then (well, almost always) lets out this deep, exasperated, "ooooohhhhhhh!". Tyler and I listen for it every time and it always makes us giggle. I was actually in the family room while she napped in the living room today and all of a sudden she made the sound without even sneezing- it sent me into a fit of laughter.
We're slowly getting this whole 'outside of the house' thing down. At first I was petrified of leaving the house with her and had somewhat resigned myself to the fact that we would be homebodies. However, I've got her car seat down and we've made several trips out and about this past week. Now, don't get me wrong- it takes about 15 minutes to pack the car and get prepared, but we manage! I feel comfortable now taking her out and about by myself- we went to Great-Grandma Thompson's last week as well as to the high school for a visit. Tonight, too, we went to Grandma's for dinner. She tends to sleep once we are there, but was awake enough to say hello to her great grandparents!
I just completed my first solo weekend with the kiddo, as Tyler was working and my mom was out of town. I was/am sleep deprived, but we made it through with flying colors. It's amazing- I never would have imagined myself as a mother- let alone a pretty good one- and everything is slipping into place. I feel comfortable in the role, despite my pre-pregnancy awkwardness towards small children/infants. It honestly is something that comes naturally.
Well, a poopy diaper beckons.

My Stick Family from

1 comment:

  1. When are you supposed to go back? Lisa is getting ready to head back in a month and yes is dreading it too.
